Thursday, July 12, 2007


(i) The night, in its obscurity

The night is —

The wide canvas
upon which the moon’s mysterious smile
is painted.

The rich backdrop
against which the stars’ gleeful dancing
is performed.

Dark, he lives in obscurity.
Alone, he is nobody.

Without him —

The moon would lose its allure;
And the stars, their grandeur.

There won’t be starlit skies
under which lovers exchange dreamy sighs!

And I’d be lost —
Wouldn’t know where to find my shooting star!

(ii) Night shift

The night —

He hears
the young mothers’ lullabies.
the insomniac’s nightly cries.
the lovers’ secret sighs.

He sees
the sleeping souls’ dreams.
the crimes every thief commits.
the owls’ flights to the wilderness.

The night —
He is busy.
Every night.

He, too, is on the night shift!

//Sherma E. Benosa
12 July 2007; 1:05am


Anonymous said...

"Dark, he lives in obscurity.
Alone, he is nobody."

because it's a blank canvas, meaningless, waiting for the artist's hand to give it life

brainteaser said...

… and also because the other more prominent figures — the smiling moon and the twinkling stars — get all the attention…

… without us realizing that they wouldn’t be as mysterious and as romantic without that which we often label as an insignificant element of the great Painter’s masterpiece.

brainteaser said...

Sometimes I pity the night…

We often neglect its beauty, and equate it with unflattering things like crimes, treachery, sadness…

…but doesn’t the night also give us peace as we sleep?

brainteaser said...

I wish I can hold the night in my bosom... and hug him as he weeps for all the injustices done to him... and help let him let go of his fears. I'll fight off the ghosts that walk through him, in him... and let him know that I see beauty in his darkness.

Anonymous said...

...been reading this book SHIBUMI by Trevanian and came across this phrase:

"In art, where the spirit of 'shibumi' takes the form of 'sabi', it is elegant simplicity, articulate brevity."

...and in the personality of an individual, authority without domination.

hmmm... am I feeling the same Ms. Benosa?

...nOt tHaT i WanT to Be seRiouS tHis TiMeeeeeeee...
