Wednesday, February 15, 2006

(Not so) pathetic valentine

I don’t know if the gods devised it to doom me, or to save me from the humiliation of not having a date today, but the article I’ve been writing since yesterday afternoon (Feb 13) got screwed up not just once, but twice, so that I ended up re-writing the whole thing three times.

I was halfway through the article yesterday afternoon, when we decided to go home. I saved the article in a diskette, so I could continue writing at home. But as the file was being saved, something happened and the PC shut down. In short, walang na-save sa diskette. I found out after restarting the PC that neither is there a file in the hard disk. Tsk. Tsk.

That isn’t all. When I got home, I started reconstructing everything. I was almost done when I stopped, shortly after midnight. I saved the file in my PC as well as in a diskette. But when I got to the office this morning (Feb 14), the file couldn't be retrieved. Kakaloka...

So I had to re-write the whole thing for the third time. It took me so much time to (re)do it so that I, together with other loveless creatures in the office, had to work OT.

So you see, the gods gave me a valid excuse for not going out on Valentines Day: “I was busy.”

But who the heck am I kidding? If truth be told, I got left out. No one asked me for a date, and on Valentine’s Day at that.

Which got me thinking: Why is it that when you’d deeply appreciate to have someone to ask you out for a date, your phone would be silent but for the messages and calls that have nothing to do with romance? [Not that I would have gone out: I made it a rule not to date on Valentine’s Day itself. I just thought it would have been nice to have someone to turn down, di ba? (Oooopppps! Sorry folks. That’s my wicked and sour-graping self talking. Don’t mind her. Hehehe)] And why, on days when you’d rather stay curled up cozily in your bed, someone would be calling you thousand times, almost begging you for “dinner,” “a stroll,” or whatever they term it? Crazy, isn’t it?

Anyway, we (Elaine, Chie, Lorien, Manong Ricco and I), the office’s loveless gang, worked overtime today. Elaine and Chie Chie thought it was pathetic. But Manong Ricco had these comforting words to offer: “Mabuti na ‘to kesa naman umuwi kayo sa mga bahay n’yo, at maging obvious sa lahat na wala kayong date.”

Oo nga naman! Things could have been worse, di ba?

Besides, we did have a great time in the office naman, doing — nah, not just plain work (ano kami, martir?) — but dyarrraannn — picture taking!

So as millions of lovers were whispering sweet nothings to their partners over candle-lit dinner (or whatever romantic things they did) we were crazily holed up in the office… romancing a digi-cam.

Now, who could say we are [not] a bunch of losers?

Interesting trivia: Would you believe I wrote this blog entry while trying to reconstruct that screwed up article I’m talking about and that it took me only 10 minutes to write this one (compared with the agonizingly long hours I spent for the screwed thing which is even much shorter than this)?

And for the record: After my whining about me being dateless and all, let me set things straight, lest I’d be thought of as some mababaw kind of girl: I really don’t mind. V-day is not for lovers alone. And love isn't just about romance.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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