Monday, February 19, 2007

On beauty...

Beauty is one of the most subjective of all concepts. It means different things to different people. What is beautiful to some may seem ordinary to others. That is a fact of life.

More often than not, we see that which we want to see. Remember the story of the elephant and the six blind men? What we are sure to be right in our perspective proves to be wrong when seen in a different perspective. And what’s more, what seems to be the defining factor of a thing in a certain point of view may actually be just one of the several factors that comprise the whole. At times, that which we put so much emphasis on may not even matter at all when a thing is viewed in its entirety.

Beauty (or lack of) is not all that defines a person. Although it is the first thing that we see, it is not really the one that tells us who the person is.

Am I beautiful, or am I not? That depends on who is the judge. I do know for a fact that I’ll never be a beauty queen. But I don’t mind. What matters is that, whenever I look into the mirror, I like what I see. I smile at my reflection, and she smiles back at me.

/First posted in in response to an anonymous posting.


Anonymous said...

You seem to have failed to discuss the real beauty in you MSB –your ever caring soul!

brainteaser said...

Hello MCP. Yup, my entry focused on the outside beauty.

Thank you for such a sweet comment.

Anonymous said...

i always love beauty; the manners can be taught but now beauty can be altered to your taste. one kissable lips please...