Like Mr. Picasso Head, this also lets non-artists to unleash their hidden creativity using lines and colors. Now, folks who cannot even differentiate an oil painting from a watercolor, like me, can become “painters” in the almost-real sense of the word.
I am very excited about this ‘discovery’ because I see a vast potential in it. I can now ‘paint’ images for my poems. You see, there are times when I wish I have pictures that go well
And what’s more, it’s also fun. I’ve tried it and I couldn’t stop. Hah! I suggest you try it. Better yet, do it with your kids. I’m sure they’ll love it!
What are you waiting for? Click HERE and begin unleashing your pent-up creativity!
Have fun...
[PS: The pictures here are my very first abstract ‘paintings.’ Don’t ask me what they mean, though. ;-) ]
Again, you are welcome to post your creations here. (Please do!)Just use the code below.

Simply upload your creations, then copy the URL. Using the code above, put the URL of your painting at the URL section (red font) and type in the words you want to appear in your link at the green part of the code.
here's my creation: sail away
what do you think?
ain't it fun!?
SALVE! My Gosh! You really are visually talented. I swear. I can't draw, but I know a good piece of art when I see one!
(May pagkakaadikan ka na naman!) Hehehee
Hi Mandy! It is, very much!
Look for more of this, girlfriend!
A big thanks :)
- Philipp, bomomo
The creator of bomomo on my site? I'm honored.
Thanks for developing something like this, Mr. Lenssen!
Me and my friends are loving it!
you are invited to register on www.art-forums.com and present your blog.
Love your work. You might be interested in my new animation - I am a computer animator and I just simulated Gogh's Starry Night. Hope you like it. You can get there through my blog here: http://maxanimation.blogspot.com/2008/06/starry-night.html
or directly to my webpage here:
http://www.nanogirl.com/personal/starrynight.html I look forward to your thoughts!
Ading, it so happened Van Gogh is my favorite of the 'em all. If it's not the art, it's the character.
@GINA Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read my post and leave a comment. I deeply appreciate it. Been to your blog and whew! I'm no artist/art critic, but my, I love your animation of Van Gogh's paintings. Will post about it here real soon! Thanks!
@GYPSY Yahhooo! Manang... Hehhehhe. Ya love his paintings, too! Sobra. Musta, musta na?
hey salve. its really good. You got some talent there
Thank you brainteaser for taking a look, I'm glad you enjoyed my animation, looking forward to hearing more from you : ) Thanks for what you are doing here!
WOW! This is truly AMAZING. I love paintings!!!!I really love it and tried right away. It's really cool and I couldn't stop it. lol... I'll show this to my kids I'm sure they'll love too.
I'll post my first try here. SUPER FUN and so COOL!!!!Thanks again!
Manang! Yahooooo! I'm glad you loved it! :-) Cool activity with kids, no?
Yes, please show me your work. Pleassssseeeee!
Gina, I'm meaning to feature your work here! I so love it. :-) Am just busy right now, but I'm gonna do it. Promise! :-)
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