Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Life isn’t a circle; it is a line dotted with circles. The seemingly never-ending cycles, like the setting and rising of the sun, the settling of night and dawning of a new tomorrow, the change in seasons, and the New Years and Christmases and birthdays are actually just events that have the same names and share some characteristics in a linear timeline. After this summer there will be other summers, but this year’s summer is different from last year’s, and those of the years before it; and will be different from next year’s and those of the years thereafter.

Each moment is fleeting and will never come back. We may be gifted with many more moments, but we can never again have the one we now have, or those that had passed, for each moment is different from all the other moments.

I see the year 2007 as a ringlet in my life’s timeline that is now gone and completed — a chapter lived and is now just a part of memory; and the year 2008 as a new ringlet I must try to fill with dots and lines. I pray that the lines and dots I’ll be drawing in my new ringlet will be in accordance with the Master’s specifications.

//Sherma E. Benosa
04 January 2008; 12:50am



Anonymous said...

circles are lines too Budddy huuu!

Ariel said...

I am reading a new Tagore here! well said.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sir Ariel! Thanks for dropping by... and for the kind words. Hope to meet you in person at the NAKEM conf.

Hey VF, Buddy! Pilosopo nga ubing! Hehehe


Ariel said...

got ya, agkikatatayonto amin! send in your conference paper.

brainteaser said...

Sir Ariel, I'm preparing an email for you. :-)