My team and I watched the DVD copy of our TV guesting on November 24 upon my arrival in the office this morning. I don’t understand but it seems so kaloka watching yourself on the boob tube. My two writers who “guested” with me and I think that we looked and sounded so corny. Ms. Rina, an officemate who will start co-hosting the show next week, said I am telegenic. I think she’s wrong. However, I think I sounded nice, which is actually a surprise for me because I’ve always thought my voice is like a child’s.
Ah, never mind. We might have looked and sounded weird on the show, but TV guesting is one heck of an experience. We enjoyed it so much that when we were asked to go back, we replied, “Sige po, iyeskedyul n’yo lang.” That’s a far cry from our original response of “No way!” when the idea of us guesting on our TV program was first brought up.
//I wonder what my family would say when I bring home the DVD for them to watch this Christmas break, besides condemning me for not telling them I'd be on TV so they could have watched me live. Hmmmm...
'looks', puede na ren! 'wag lang gaya ng pic dian kase, para kang nasa loob ng ....ngeeeee... I will not tell you.
Sound? Aha! I still have to listen to your voice Ms. Benosa!
I hope you don't shriek like a monkey hehehehe!
Loob ng what?
Ibagam no kunak, ibagam!
hey, napaluspusak daytoy a post mo. Iba na ang hinhabol ng TV. Baket dinno ti sumaruno a guestingmo?
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